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Nisyros tour, volcano panoramic view from Nikia
Tagesausflug zum Vulkan Nisyros
5.0 Bewertung der Kundenzufriedenheit
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Typ: Island Hopping
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Dauer: 7 Zeiten
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Verfügbarkeit: from April to October

Bootstour – Tagesausflug zum Vulkan Nisyros

Wie wäre es, das absolute Abenteuer auf einer Insel mit völliger Entspannung zu verbinden?

Nisyros kann beides miteinander kombinieren. Nur eine Bootsstunde von Kardamena entfernt, ist Nisyros ein einzigartiger Zufluchtsort. Die Insel hat sehr treue Besucher, denn obwohl sie zur Dodekanes gehört, ähnelt sie mehr den Kykladen, und ihre besondere Schönheit macht süchtig.

Einerseits versetzt Sie der Vulkan, ein schlafender und doch aktiver Riese, in eine verträumte Mondlandschaft, in der die Erde unter Ihren Füßen brodelt. Der Abstieg in einen der größten hydrothermalen Krater der Welt, den Krater Stephanos mit einem Durchmesser von 300 m, wird für Abenteuerlustige ein unvergessliches Erlebnis sein. Der Geruch von Schwefelwasserstoff, den jeder mit dem Geruch von „faulen Eiern“ in Verbindung bringt, das Gefühl, dass die heiße Luft, die aus den Kraterlöchern (Fumarolen) austritt, Ihre Schuhsohlen zum Schmelzen bringt, und die Farben, insbesondere das Schwefelgelb, ergeben ein Bild, das jeder einmal im Leben gesehen haben sollte.

Andererseits, verlässt man den Vulkan mit dem Geruch von Schwefelwasserstoff auf der Haut, kann man noch drei Stunden in Mandraki, der Hauptstadt der Insel, verbringen, was nie genug ist, wenn man die Vielfalt der Möglichkeiten auf diesem kleinen Juwel der Dodekanes genießen will. Sie sollten unbedingt einen Spaziergang durch die engen Gassen der Stadt unternehmen. Sofort werden Sie sich in die Stadt mit all den malerischen weißen Häusern, den bunten Türen, den Blumen, den Kieselsteinböden und den kleinen Kapellen verlieben. Ein paar Schritte führen Sie zum höchsten Punkt von Mandraki, dem Kloster Panagia Spiliani, von wo aus Sie den Panoramablick über die Stadt genießen können.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, am Platz der „Ilikiomeni“ (der alten Frau) unter dem großen Ficus-Baum eine Tasse Kaffee zu trinken. Und sollten Sie ein Souvenir erwerben wollen, halten Sie Ausschau nach traditionellen Produkten wie der „Soumada“ (ein Getränk aus Mandeln), „Koukouzina“ (ein Destillat aus Feigen und Trauben) und Kapern, die mit Sicherheit die besten sind, die Sie je probiert haben.

Die Buchung eines Ausflugs zum Vulkan von Nisyros ist daher eine herausragende Wahl!


  • Transfer von Ihrem Hotel zum Hafen von Kardamena und zurück
  • Fährtickets für die Hin- und Rückfahrt von Kardamena nach Nisyros.
  • Lokaler begleiteter
  • Transfer mit dem Bus zum Vulkan und zurück
  • Sämtliche Mehrwertsteuern und Hafensteuern

Nicht enthalten

  • Speisen und Getränke
  • Der Eintrittspreis für die Vulkanbesichtigung von 5 EUR, die vor Ort bar zu entrichten sind.

Grundlegende Informationen

  • Sofortige Buchungsbestätigung
  • Stornierung bis 24 Stunden vor der Abfahrt bei voller Fahrpreiserstattung.




8:00 am

Ihr Hotel

Abfahrt von Ihrem Hotel. Treffpunkt und genaue Abfahrtszeit wird auf dem Ausgflugsvoucher bekanntgegeben.

9:30 am

Kardamena Hafen

Hafen Kardámaina oder Kardámena, ist eine kleine griechische Stadt, 7 km vom internationalen Flughafen der Insel Kos in Antimacheia entfernt, auf halbem Weg entlang der Südküste der Insel Kos. Der Ort gehört zur Gemeinde Iraklides.

10:30 am

Mandraki, Hafen, Nisyros

Nisyros ist eine griechische Vulkaninsel mit der gleichnamigen Gemeinde im Ägäischen Meer. Die Insel gehört zur Dodekanes und liegt zwischen Kos und Tilos.

11:00 am

Vulkan von Nisyros

Mandraki, die kleine malerische Hauptstadt und der Haupthafen von Nisyros.

12:30 pm


Freizeit zur Verfügung für einen Spaziergang durch Mandraki auf Nisyros.

4:30 pm

Kardamena Hafen

Rückkehr zum Hafen von Kardamena.

nicht verfügbar

Ihr Hotel

Transfer zum ursprünglichen Treffpunkt


Gesamt 18 Bewertungen
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Lorna T , May, 2024

Booked the day trip to Nisyros through Kos4all tours. We were staying in Kefalos so unable to book online as no pick up listed for there. However emailed and dealt with Nedia who arranged it all for us. We had... mehr lesena wonderful day, which all ran like clockwork. I cannot recommend this company highly enough. We had a brilliant day and were delighted with the service we received.

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andrew verrell , 1 week ago

Trip to the volcano, firstly £60 cheaper than Tui. Punctual through out the day, multi lingual guide, excellent day

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Perla Rivero , 2 months ago

I highly recommend this agency, it's super! ????? We booked 3 day trips ( 3 island cruise, Nisyros and Bodrum) it all was fantastic! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

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phil bacon , 4 months ago

Well organised, knowledgeable guide and reasonably priced, would recommend

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Tomasz Łabacki , 5 months ago

The tours on Kos have been amazing, but what I need to stress out is how helpful Kos4all crew was - I was booking one of the tours one day in advance and they do their best to make it... mehr lesenhappen (very responsive via email). If you think about tour on Kos - book it using Kos4all. Great customer service and very good prices.

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Izabela S , Aug 2024

We booked 3 excursions with Kos4all: Nisyros, Sunset Jeep Safari, and 3 islands cruise. We had an amazing experience. Great, timely pick-ups and drop-off. All guides were very thoughtful and caring and made all excursions very enjoyable! Nisyros trip -... mehr lesenamazing Martha from Hariett travel agency, jeep safari - super evening with our driver Steve, and finally amazing crew of Poseidon ship for 3 Islands cruise. Easy booking, worry free adventure!

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Kelly Coyle , 8 months ago

Revisited after 35 years, nothing had changed. Fascinating place but the smell is just as bad as I remember all those years ago!!😀🤢

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david r , July 2024

Booked Airport Transfers and a day trip to Nisyros using Kos4All. Both ran extremely smoothly with no problems at all. Drivers arrived 5 minutes early for each and were friendly and polite. Would definitely recommend and would use again if... mehr lesenwe visited Kos again.

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tellana1 , June 2024

We were very happy with this company. We booked round trip transfers as well as a trip to Nisyros with them. Transfers were on time, clean, safe drivers, nonsmoking, with cold bottles of water for us each ways. Excursion was... mehr lesensolid. They work with travel companies in Kardamena so if you stay in town then it’s probably easy to just book island trip directly with boats when you arrive, but if you are further out it was well worth paying an extra €10 pp to get the hotel pick up and transfers included. We felt like we got a lot for the price. Make sure to read pick up instructions clearly; it seems like some of the reviews that aren’t as positive revolve around issues with pick ups, and on our own trip there was confusion with some others we picked up, in part because our vehicle wasn’t marked Kos4All but another travel company. We had no issues; we read directions, were where we are supposed to be, and confirmed with the driver by giving our last name, which he had on a list—but you do need to actually read the instructions! I would not hesitate to book these services or any other trip again; a great experience.

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Nina Senskaia , Sep 2023

We visited Stefanos crater with Kos4all and we are satisfied with our trip. A bus picked us from our hotel and we went directly to a ferry in Kardamena. It took 45 minutes to reach Mandraki, a small town on... mehr lesenNisyros island, then about 20 minutes to reach the crater by bus. I wish we had more time for volcano. We just had 25 minutes which included 7 minutes go downstairs and 7 minutes go upstairs to catch our bus to go back to Mandraki. So in general in the crater itself we had only 10-11 minutes and it's not enough for the proper admiration of this beauty. Everything was in a rush. I think it would be great to have 10 more minutes. If you would like to enjoy the town it's better not no have lunch in cafe/restaurant because it will eat your time. It's better to have snacks with you. We had our snacks and so had enough time to walk around the town and take nice photos. In general we were really glad we picked Kos4all. Nice price, friendly guides, very organized trip. Thank you!

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Dave , August 2023

I booked a day trip to Nisyros online prior to visiting Kos. I have to say I was a bit nervous as it was so much cheaper compared to what TUI were charging. Kos4all charged 30 euros per person while... mehr lesenTUI were charging over 60 euros! However, I needn’t of worried. The online booking was easy and efficient and all correspondence was in English. They picked us up from the hotel at the allotted time and everything ran smoothly and was really well organised. The itinerary was, we got collected from our hotel at 9.10am, were driven to Kardamena where we were met and a guide took us the short distance to the ferry, the crossing was about an hour arriving in Nisyros about 10.45am. A guide explained very clearly that we had a couple of hours to explore the village, which was beautiful. We looked in some shops, got a coffee and then had lunch. The prices for drinks and food were reasonable and not at all overpriced like some reviews suggest. At 1.20pm we met back at the harbour where a coach took as the 25 minutes up to the crater. Once at the crater you have about 45 minutes before the coach takes you back down to the harbour. The ferry left at about 3.30pm back to Kardamena where a mini bus met us and took us back to our hotel.Basically, if you visit Kos you have to visit Nisyros and if you do I wouldn’t choose anyone other than Kos4all.

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Marc F , May 2023

Brilliant day out and so well organised from start to finish! We had considered booking this trip via Tui but their reviews told a story of overbooked boats, not enough time etc. Chose to book instead via Kos4all and we were so... mehr lesenpleased we did. Picked up at 9am and left the crowds behind us! Our boat had plenty on it but not packed out at all. We had 3 hours in the village at Nisyros, visited the monastery and had lunch. What an amazing experience going up to the volcano, standing in the huge crater was just surreal. Our guide was very good too, she was very knowledgeable and good at managing the group. The boat trip was awesome, a bit choppy which made it all the more enjoyable for me! Arrived home around 16:50 dropped off at the front door. Well done guys this was a great day for us

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angelbrown23 , September 2021

Yesterday we went on the Nisyros Volcano trip, we were very impressed. We booked the trip on the Kos4all website which was easy and convenient, we were sent our ticket via email immediately. The coach picked us up from our... mehr lesenhotel, it was very clean and the driver was friendly. The trip was very well organised, we went to Kardamena where we met our English guide and boarded the boat. We sat on the top deck and had fantastic views across the sea and islands over the 50-minute journey. When we arrived in Nisyros, we took a coach to the Volcano which took about 20 minutes. It’s amazing and surreal scenery, it costs 3 euros each to enter, it does smell of rotting eggs (due to the sulphur) but it didn’t stop us enjoying. We didn’t go down to the crater, if you want to do this they highly recommend you wear trainers, not sandals like us… we spent 50 minutes or so at the volcano which was the perfect amount of time. There are toilet facilities and a cafe too! We went back on the coach and drove back to the port at Mandraki (the capital of Nisyros) and got to explore the beautiful village, with its winding paths, white washed buildings, scenic views and lots of cats! We spent about 3 hours, so it was a great time to explore. A trip up the hill to the monastery is well worth it for 2 euros each, the views are incredible. Thank you so much for such a wonderful trip, it was seamless and the guides/drivers were all very friendly and knowledgeable. Highly recommend to anyone staying in Kos!

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Suzanne Werthmueller , August 2020

We went to Nisyros on a day trip and had a fabulous time. The organization was perfect and the guide was very welcoming and helpful. I really recommend Kos4all to anyone spending their holidays in Kos.

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Jordan , July 2019

We booked a trip to Nisyros - the trip consisted of being picked up from our hotel at 8:30am, boat trip over to the island, bus to the volcano with English speaking guide and return to hotel by 5 pm.... mehr lesenExcellent service. Thomas Cook were offering this trip for €18 per person more!! Definitely highly recommend booking with Kos4all. Instant confirmation of booking and able to pay using PayPal. Thank you Kos4all tours for a hassle free trip!

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Kate Clark , June 2019

I used this company for two excursions; one to the Nisyros volcano and the other a 3 Island Boat Cruise. Both trips were absolutely fab! The drivers were perfectly on time both times and everything was very well organised. These... mehr lesentrips really topped off our holiday and were completely hassle free! Definitely recommend using them as the trips are really good value for money!

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inese kroica , October 2018

Thank you very much for the chance to visit Nysiros with your company Kos4all. Everything was very organised. We weren’t bored any minute. Everything was on time. You were the company with the best prices. 5*****

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Maria Khairova , July 2017

Kos4all is a very nice agency- I found them on the web, I did not know about them but they proved to be very reliable, friendly and with very competitive prices. We ordered two excursions from them, everything was great:... mehr lesenquick responses for my questions, driver on time, program according to the description. I am very satisfied and would gladly recomend this agency to others

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