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Psalidi Wetlands

Psalidi wetlands
Psalidi wetlands
Psalidi wetlands.
Psalidi wetlands.

Lake at Psalidi, Wetlands

In stark contrast to the extensive tourist infrastructure of the surrounding area, the brackish coastal lake of Psalidi is home to countless varieties and numbers of birds who live among its lush vegetation.

It is an unspoiled wetlands area, untouched by the commotion of the greater region. The flora and fauna here is characterized by its rich diversity of marine vegetation, including wet meadow vegetation, shrubbery, halophytic vegetation and Aegean brushwood (phrygana), while among the rare or endangered aquatic and wading birds that come here to find refuge are hundreds of wild ducks and flamingos.

The Psalidi wetlands area is accessible to tourists along special paths set up for that purpose.

Map information of Psalidi wetlands – Kos Island

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